
In the following tables, weapon damage is listed as a range plus a bonus; the bonus applies to damage as well as your To Hit roll. You probably won’t notice this at all; I didn’t have much difficulty hitting enemies until the Endgame, and at that point even carrying a Troll Staff (+4) didn’t make any noticeable difference over Arc’s Hammer (+1).

The Price ($) column lists Garth’s asking price; you can sell him things for 50% of that, and if you need to identify something it will also cost you 50%. Unidentified items sell for their normal value. You can often use these facts together to figure out what something is before you identify it; an “Armor” that sells for $300 is definitely a Bracers of AC 6, etc.

Items with spell effects are listed in the Casts column; you can Use these items in combat to cast the associated spell. These items don’t track charges (uses) in a standard way; instead, they have a small chance of expiring (and disappearing) each time you use them, so beware of using your prized weapons and shields this way.

The Group column indicates the dungeon levels on which the item can be randomly found. Items in group are never found randomly; they only appear in specific places.

By Type


$ Grp Name Usable By Dmg Bonus Casts
20 I Dagger all 1–4
200 V Mthr Dagger all 1–4 +1
300 VII Admt Dagger all 1–4 +2
600 VII Broom casters 1–4 +2 C6:MALE
800 XI Dmnd Dagger Wa,Pa,Ba,Ro,Wi 1–4 +3
20 II Staff all 1–8
30 I Short Sword Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,Ro 1–8
60 II Mace fighters 1–8
300 V Mtrh Mace fighters 1–8
400 VII Admt Mace Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,Ro 1–8 +2
70 I War Axe Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 2–8
80 I Broadsword Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 2–8
300 III Mthr Sword Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,Ro 2–8 +1
300 V Mthr Axe Wa,Pa,Mo,Hu,Ba 2–8 +1
500 VII Admt Sword Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 2–8 +2
1200 X Dmnd Sword Wa,Pa,Hu 2–8 +3
4000 X Wither Staff Mo,Hu,Ro,Wi 3–12 +2
60000 Death Dagger Mo,Hu,Ro,Wi 3–12 +2
grants Critical Hit ability
8000 XI Conjurstaff casters 3–12 +2
reduces SP cost of spells by 50%
8000 X Sorcerstaff casters 3–12 +3 S5:DIIL
200 I Halbard Wa,Pa,Mo,Hu 1–16
1000 VI Shield Staff Wa,Pa,Hu,casters 1–16 +1
+2 AC
700 IV Bardsword Bard 2–16 +1
grants unlimited Bard songs
1500 IX Soul Mace Hu,Wi 2–16 +1
100000 XIV Troll Staff Wa,Hu,Ba,Ro,
4–16 +4
grants HP regeneration
1100 IX Thief Dagger Rogue 5–20
improves Hide in Shadows
9000 XI Staff of Lor Co,Ma,So 5–20 +1 M7:REST
600 VI Kael's Axe Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 5–20 +2
600 VII Hawkblade Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 3–24
5000 IX Mage Staff casters 3–24
+2 AC; grants SP regeneration
400 VI Dayblade Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,
3–24 +1 C1:MAFL
12000 XI Powerstaff casters 3–24 +1 C3:WAST
70000 XV Stoneblade Wa,Hu 3–24 +1
700 VI Blood Axe Hunter 6–24 +2
3000 X Sword of Pak Wa,Hu 3–24 +2 W2:LESU
20000 XIII Spectre Mace Wa,Hu,Wi 3–24 +5
600 VIII Pureblade Paladin 2–32 C7:FLAN
6000 IX War Staff Wa,Hu,Ba,Ro,
500 Crystal Sword Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 2–32 +1
Defeats the Crystal Guardian
4000 XII Mournblade Hunter 2–32 +1
4000 XI Arc's Hammer Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba 4–32 +1 C3:LERE
200000 Spectre Snare Wa,Hu,Ba,Wi 4–64 +1 W5:SPBI
+8 AC; grants Critical Hit ability

Body Armor

$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
40 III Robes all +1
70 II Leather Armor fighters,Wi +2
150 II Chain Armor Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +3
300 II Scale Armor Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +4
500 IV Mthr Chain Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +4
600 IV Bracers [6] all +4
700 II Plate Armor Wa,Pa +5
800 VIII Admt Chain Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +5
900 IV Mthr Scale Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,Co,Ma,So +5
1000 IX Bracers [4] Mo,Hu,Ba,Ro,
1200 VIII Admt Scale Wa,Pa +6
2000 V Mthr Plate Wa,Pa +6
1600 IX Admt Plate Wa +7
4000 XII Dmnd Plate Wa +8


$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
40 III Gauntlets Wa,Pa,Hu +1
80 III Leather Glvs fighters,Wi +1
400 V Mthr Gloves Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,Ro,Wi +2
500 VII Admt Gloves Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +3
3000 XII Wargloves Wa,Pa,Ba +5


$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
50 III Helm Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +1
300 V Mthr Helm Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba,Ro +2
8000 XII Lorehelm Wa,Pa,Ba,Wi +2 S7:SOSI
400 VII Admt Helm Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +3
10000 XV Travelhelm Wa,Pa,Ba +3 C7:APAR
50000 XIV Spirithelm Wa,Hu +3 W2:LESU
1100 XI Dmnd Helm Wa,Pa +4


Note that all Weapons and Wands are assumed to occupy one hand, so you can always wield a Shield no matter what weapon you have equipped.

$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
40 II Buckler fighters,Wi +1
100 II Tower Shield Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +2
800 VIII Luckshield any +2
+2 to Saving Throws
400 IV Mthr Shield fighters +3
2000 IX Arcshield fighters +3 C1:ARFI
10000 XII Ybarrashield Fi,Pa,Ba +3 M6:YMCA
15000 XII Dragonshield Wa,Pa,Hu +3 M4:DRBR
500 VII Admt Shield Wa,Pa,Hu,Ba +4
1000 X Dmnd Shield Wa +5
2000 IX Pure Shield Pa +5


$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
100 VI Dork Ring all
700 VI Shield Ring all +2
40000 XII Ring of Power casters S5:MIBL
60000 XII Deathring Hu,casters +1 W4:ANDE
80000 XIV Troll Ring all
grants HP regeneration


When used, a Figurine summons a creature to fill your NPC slot.

$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
300 V Ogre Fgn any
300 XI Golem Fgn any
400 VIII Giant Fgn any
600 XI Titan Fgn any
800 XIV Dragon Fgn any
1000 XIV Mage Fgn any
1000 Mongo Fgn any
1200 Lich Fgn any
1500 Old Man Fgn any
2000 Thor Fgn any


A Bard must have an Instrument in order to play Bard Songs; the magical Horns don’t count.

$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
130 III Mandolin, Harp, Flute Bard
1000 V Lak's Lyre Bard
grants unlimited Bard songs
1300 VI Fin's Flute Bard +2
7000 X Heal Harp Bard C2:WOHL
10000 X Galt's Flute Bard C4:INWO
20000 XII Truthdrum Bard S5:DIIL
30000 XII Spiritdrum Bard W2:LESU
30000 XII Pipes of Pan Bard C5:GRRE
1200 IV Fire Horn Bard
group zap, 33–46 HP
12000 X Frost Horn Bard
group zap, 52–59 HP
20000 XII Flame Horn Bard
group zap, 86–101 HP


$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
1000 VIII Exorwand casters W3:DISP
1000 IV Lightwand casters C1:MAFL
14000 XII Dragonwand casters +1 M4:DRBR
30000 XIV Ogrewand casters +1 C6:INOG
120000 Wizwand Wizard +2 W4:PRSU

Miscellaneous Items

The Torch and Lamp can be (U)sed to produce light in dungeons, and are consumed as soon as you light them. The Lamp lasts longer than the Torch. On the PC (at least), these items must be equipped before they can be used.

$ Grp Name Usable By AC Casts
5 I Torch all
15 I Lamp all
500 VI Elf Cloak Wa,Pa,Ba,Ro,Wi +2
800 VIII Ali's Carpet Mo,Ro,casters +2 C6:MALE
1000 Silver shapes all +1
2000 XII Speedboots Mo,Ba,Ro,casters +1
improves "flee combat" saving throw
6000 XIV Kiel's Compass not Paladin M1:SCSI
10000 XIV Arc's Eye casters S7:SOSI
10000 XIV Dag Stone Paladin S5:GRRE
50000 XV Eye
brings the Mad God back to life
1200 XVI Master Key
opens all gates in Skara Brae
100000 XV Onyx Key
allows entry to Mangar's Tower

By Group

Handy if you’re trying to figure out what drops are possible on a given dungeon level, or for hex editing your party.

Group I

Dungeons: Skara Brae (daytime), Wine Cellar

ID Item Type
01 Torch Misc.
02 Lamp Misc.
03 Broadsword Weapons
04 Short Sword Weapons
05 Dagger Weapons
06 War Axe Weapons
07 Halbard Weapons

Group II

Dungeons: Skara Brae, Wine Cellar, Sewers 1–3, Catacombs 1

ID Item Type
08 Mace Weapons
09 Staff Weapons
0a Buckler Shields
0b Tower Shield Shields
0c Leather Armor Armor
0d Chain Mail Armor
0e Scale Armor Armor
0f Plate Armor Armor

Group III

Dungeons: Skara Brae (nighttime), Sewers 1–3, Catacombs 1–3, Castle 1

ID Item Type
10 Robes Armor
11 Helm Helmets
12 Leather Glvs Gloves
13 Gauntlets Gloves
14 Mandolin Instruments
15 Harp Instruments
16 Flute Instruments
17 Mthr Sword Weapons

Group IV

Dungeons: Sewers 3, Catacombs 1–3, Castle 1

ID Item Type
18 Mthr Shield Armor
19 Mthr Chain Armor
1a Mthr Scale Armor
1b Samurai Fgn Figurines
1c Bracers [6] Armor
1d Bardsword Weapons
1e Fire Horn Instruments
1f Lightwand Wands

Group V

Dungeons: Sewers 3, Catacombs 1–3, Castle 1–3

ID Item Type
20 Mthr Dagger Weapons
21 Mthr Helm Helmets
22 Mthr Gloves Gloves
23 Mthr Axe Weapons
24 Mthr Mace Weapons
25 Mthr Plate Armor
26 Ogre Fgn Figurines
27 Lak’s Lyre Instruments

Group VI

Dungeons: Catacombs 2–3, Castle 1–3

ID Item Type
28 Shield Ring Rings
29 Dork Ring Rings
2a Fin’s Flute Instruments
2b Kael’s Axe Weapons
2c Blood Axe Weapons
2d Dayblade Weapons
2e Shield Staff Weapons
2f Elf Cloak Misc.

Group VII

Dungeons: Castle 2–3, Kylearan’s, Mangar’s 1

ID Item Type
30 Hawkblade Weapons
31 Admt Sword Weapons
32 Admt Shield Shields
33 Admt Dagger Weapons
34 Admt Helm Helmets
35 Admt Gloves Gloves
36 Admt Mace Weapons
37 Broom Weapons

Group VIII

Dungeons: Castle 2–3, Kylearan’s, Mangar’s 1

ID Item Type
38 Pureblade Weapons
39 Exorwand Wands
3a Ali’s Carpet Misc.
3b Magic Mouth Misc.
3c Luckshield Shields
3d Giant Fgn Figurines
3e Admt Chain Armor
3f Admt Scale Armor

Group IX

Dungeons: Kylearan’s, Mangar’s 1–3

ID Item Type
40 Admt Plate Armor
41 Bracers [4] Armor
42 Arcshield Shields
43 Pure Shield Shields
44 Mage Staff Weapons
45 War Staff Weapons
46 Thief Dagger Weapons
47 Soul Mace Weapons

Group X

Dungeons: Kylearan’s, Mangar’s 1–3

ID Item Type
48 Wither Staff Weapons
49 Sorcerstaff Weapons
4a Sword of Pak Weapons
4b Heal Harp Instruments
4c Galt’s Flute Instruments
4d Frost Horn Instruments
4e Dmnd Sword Weapons
4f Dmnd Shield Shields

Group XI

Dungeons: Mangar’s 2–5

ID Item Type
50 Dmnd Dagger Weapons
51 Dmnd Helm Helmets
52 Golem Fgn Figurines
53 Titan Fgn Figurines
54 Conjurstaff Weapons
55 Arc’s Hammer Weapons
56 Staff of Lor Weapons
57 Powerstaff Weapons

Group XII

Dungeons: Mangar’s 2–5

ID Item Type
58 Mournblade Weapons
59 Dragonshield Shields
5a Dmnd Plate Armor
5b Wargloves Gloves
5c Lorehelm Helmets
5d Dragonwand Wands
5e Kiel’s Compass Misc.
5f Speedboots Misc.

Group XIII

Dungeons: Mangar’s 4–5

ID Item Type
60 Flame Horn Instruments
61 Truthdrum Instruments
62 Spiritdrum Instruments
63 Pipes of Pan Instruments
64 Ring of Power Rings
65 Deathring Rings
66 Ybarrashield Shields
67 Specter Mace Weapons

Group XIV

Dungeons: Mangar’s 4–5

ID Item Type
68 Dag Stone Misc.
69 Arc’s Eye Misc.
6a Ogrewand Wands
6b Spirithelm Helmets
6c Dragon Fgn Figurines
6d Mage Fgn Figurines
6e Troll Ring Rings
6f Troll Staff Weapons

Group XV

Dungeons: Only specials. Except I found an Onyx Key in a treasure haul on Mangar 4 once.

ID Item Type
70 Onyx Key Misc.
71 Crystal Sword Weapons
72 Stoneblade Weapons
73 Travelhelm Helmets
74 Death Dagger Weapons
75 Mongo Fgn Figurines
76 Lich Fgn Figurines
77 Eye Misc.

Group XVI

Dungeons: Only specials

ID Item Type
78 Master Key Misc.
79 Wizwand Wands
7a Silvr Square Misc.
7b Silvr Circle Misc.
7c Silvr Triang Misc.
7d Thor Fgn Figurines
7e Old Man Fgn Figurines
7f Spectre Snare Weapons