
Spell scrolls, like all inventory items, are limited to 12 characters. The spell name in bold is what it’s called in your spell list when you’re casting a spell, but if there are scrolls that use abbreviations I’ve tried to include them in the table.

A reminder: all Zap and Debuff spells require an attack roll. If you “miss” with a Zap spell, it deals half damage.

D:Scare acts like a “debuff” spell in the sense that it requires an attack roll against an opposing group. However, if it’s successful, it actually grants +2 AV to everyone in the party for the duration of combat, which is effective against all opponents, not just the ones you “hit” with the spell.

Low Magic

All Low Magic spells can be found for free in the Purgatory magic shoppe. Low Magic scrolls appear in random additional places throughout the game as well, but nowhere else matters because if you ever need them again (say, after giving Low Magic to your fighters later in life), Purgatory is never really all that far away.

Spell POW Targets Range Type
Charm 3 1 Buff
Heal 1–4 hp, +1 AV for duration of battle
Lesser Heal 2 1 Heal
Heal 1–4 hp
Luck 3 1 Buff
+2 DV for duration of battle
Mage Fire 2 1 30’ Zap
1–8 dmg
makes a nice ‘missile weapon’ for front line PCs
Disarm 4 1 30’ Debuff
Disarms target; not all monsters can be Disarmed
Mage Light var. 20’ Misc.
Light, 3hr / pt, 30' range

High Magic

Spell POW Targets Range Type Where Found
Healing 3 1 Heal Slave Camp
1d6 hp
Group Heal 6 party Heal Magic College
1d6 hp
Mystic Might 4 1 Buff Freeport,
Dwarf Clan Hall
+15 STR for duration of battle
Sala’s Swift 8 1 Buff Freeport,
Dragon Valley
+8 DEX for duration of battle
Vorn’s Guard 6 party Buff Freeport,
Dragon Valley
+2 AC for duration of battle
Cloak Arcane var. party Buff Slave Camp
+2 AC, lasts 1hr / pt
Fire Light var. 1 30’ Zap Slave Camp, Necropolis,
Tars Underground,
Magic College
1d6 hp / pt
Ice Chill var. 1 50’ Zap Lansk Guard Bridge,
Magic College
1d4 hp / pt
Elvar’s Fire 6 group 30’ Zap Tars Ruins,
Magic College
2d6 hp
Poog’s Vortex 11 group 20’ Zap Phoebus,
Magic College
4d6 hp
Big Chill 15 all 30’ Zap Necropolis,
Magic College,
Byzanople Dungeon
4d6 hp
Reveal Glamour
(Rev. Glamour)
2 40’ Misc. Mud Toad, Freeport
Dispels illusions
Sense Traps var. Misc. Slave Camp
Ignore traps, lasts 2hr / pt
Dazzle 3 1 30’ Debuff Byzanople Dungeon,
Magic College
Enemy misses next turn
Cowardice 8 group 60’ Debuff Freeport,
Dragon Valley
Group runs away
Air Summon var. Summon Tars Ruins,
Sunken Ruins
can be used to cross the Nisir
Water Summon
(Water Sum.)
var. Summon Mud Toad,
Sunken Ruins
Earth Summon var. Summon Sunken Ruins,
Pilgrim Dock
Fire Summon var. Summon Magic College

Druid Magic

If you wrestle Enkidu and win, he grants you Druid Magic 2 and most but not all of the Druid Magic library. I haven’t included those spells here; if “Where Found” includes Mystic Wood, it’s on a scroll somewhere.

Spell POW Targets Range Type Where Found
Greater Healing 4 1 Heal Slave Camp, Mystic Wood
1d6 hp
Cure All 6 party Heal Lansk Undercity, Mystic Wood
1d8 hp; best group-heal spell
Scare 4 party 20’ Buff Slave Camp, Necropolis, Mystic Wood
+2 AV for duration of combat
Death Curse 6 1 40’ Zap Tars Underground, Mystic Wood, Phoebus
3d6 hp
Fire Blast 12 group 30’ Zap Mystic Wood
4d6 hp
Insect Plague
(Insect Plag.)
4 group 60’ Debuff Mystic Wood, Necropolis
-2 AV, -2 DV for duration of combat
Whirl Wind 4 group 40’ Debuff Mystic Wood
Pushes the group back 30’
Brambles 5 group 60’ Debuff Mystic Wood
Enemies miss next turn
Create Wall 5 Misc. Phoebus, Mystic Wood, Lansk Undercity
Use to repair the Mud God’s temple
Soften Stone 6 Misc. Freeport (x2)
Useful for getting around dungeons
Beast Call var. Summon Mystic Wood, Snake Pit
Wood Spirit var. Summon Mystic Wood Phoebus Dungeon
Invoke Spirit var. Summon Mystic Wood

Sun Magic

Spell POW Targets Range Type Where Found
Sun Light 3 1 Heal Forlorn Guard Bridge
1d6 hp
Heal 4 1 Heal never, but Valar comes with it
1d8 hp
Major Healing
(Major Heal)
6 party Heal Phoebus Dungeon, Mud Toad
1d6 hp
Holy Aim 5 party Buff Phoebus Dungeon, Mud Toad
+2 AV for duration of battle
Battle Power 8 party Buff Game Preserve
+10 STR for duration of battle
Mithras’ Bless
(Mit. Bless)
5 party Buff Phoebus
+3 DV for duration of battle
Armor of Light
(Armor of Lt.)
6 1 Buff Phoebus Dungon, Mud Toad
+2 DV for duration of battle
The manual says AC, but it’s wrong.
Sun Stroke var 1 20’ Zap Slave Camp, Tars Underground, Phoebus
1d8 hp / pt
Rage of Mithras
(Rage of Mit.)
var 1 70’ Zap Mud Toad
1d6 hp / pt
Exorcism 5 group 50’ Zap Tars Ruins
6d6 hp, Undead only
Inferno var. all 40’ Zap Necropolis
1d4 hp / pt; best zap spell in the game
Wrath of Mithras var. group 90’ Zap never, but monsters will use it against you!
1d4 hp / pt
Fire Storm 20 all 60’ Zap Lanac’toor’s Laboratory
6d6 hp
Charger 8 Misc. Freeport
Adds 1 charge to a magic item
Disarm Trap var. Misc. Phoebus Dungeon, Lansk Guard Bridge
Ignore traps, lasts 2hr / pt
Guidance var. Misc. Tars Ruins
Adds a compass to the UI, 3hr / pt
Radiance var. 40’ Misc. Lansk Guard Bridge
Light, 2hr / pt, 40' range
Column of Fire
(Fire Column)
5 group 40’ Debuff Game Preserve
Prevents group from Advancing (one round)
Light Flash 6 group 50’ Debuff easter egg
Enemies miss next turn
Summon Salamander
(Sum. Salam.)
var. Summon Mud Toad

Miscellaneous Magic

Miscellaneous Magic spells can be learned and used by anyone with Low Magic.

Spell POW Targets Range Type Where Found
Zak’s Speed 10 party Buff Lanac’toor’s Lab
+15 DEX for duration of combat
Kill Ray 15 1 50’ Zap Lanac’toor’s Lab
10d8 hp
Prison 8 group 60’ Debuff easter egg
Prevents targets from Advancing
for duration of combat