

Nergal’s summer palace, aka where he hangs out when Irkalla’s angry at him.

You’ll face random encounters at the standard rate (1 in 100), plus a ton of fixed encounters in the southern half of the map.


Technically, you can exit this map to the west, east, or south. These will return you to Dilmun but you’re on a very small 3x2 island with nowhere to go but the Necropolis.

(07,14): The boat dock, but it’s only active once you’ve killed Ugly and stolen his boat.

(00,07): Stairs down to the portion of the Underworld containing the Well of Souls.

Points of Interest

The Grim Guardians (02,12; 02,10): They hit you with 1d6 breath weapons.

The Random Chest (01,11): Contains the Stone Trunk, a Black Helm (+3 AC, M:Zak’s Speed), Magic Chain (+7 AC, M:Zak’s Speed), and the Dead Bolt (1d4). The only thing that’s interesting about the Dead Bolt is that you can Recharge it, but otherwise it’s no better than regular Bolts.

The Stone Demon (07,06): The trick here is to charge him as quickly as possible; he runs away once you’re within 10’, but hits you with a 1d4 breath weapon until then.

Nergal’s Throne Room (05,07): Fight off a large number of undead. Then feed Nergal the Mushrooms from the Mystic Wood. Pick a party member to “serve” Nergal (with no lasting effect). Then he gives you the Silver Key, the Holy Spear (1d30, DEX 14), and scrolls of H:Fire Light, H:Big Chill, D:Insect Plague, D:Scare, and S:Inferno.

The Well of Souls (00,07): This is the only way to get to the portion of the Underworld that links up with the Well of Souls. It’s almost certainly not worth it.

The Web-filled Hallway (13,09): Every square in this winding hallway has a combat with a Spider, along with its webs. If you cast a fire-based spell, it burns out all the spiders and the webs and leaves the hallway empty.

The Portal of Power (15,11): Once you’ve taken possession of Ugly’s boat, this portal simply teleports you back to the boat dock. Before then, it chooses a random destination (which, if you use Arcane Lore, you can get a hint about):


Ghouls 25 20 3 5 30–55 +3 +0 20' 150
10d4 — undead
Ghouls 12 20 1 1 30–65 +2 +0 20' 150
10d4 — undead
Giant Snakes 20 15 1 3 28–49 +4 +0 00' 150
1d4 breath, flee — can't be disarmed
Goblins 10 19 6 10 21–33 +2 +0 30' 30
5d6, flee
Grim Guardians 0 24 0 0 50–85 +6 +0 40' 200
1d6 breath — undead
Magic Ghouls 13 40 5 5 38–47 +4 +0 20' 190
S:Rage of Mithras @1 — undead
Scorpion Lizards 12 22 3 5 29–57 +4 +0 30' 150
7d8, flee
Serpent Warriors 20 19 8 10 28–49 +3 +0 20' 140
Skeletons 8 2 8 8 28–49 +12 +0 10' 170
1d4 piercing — undead
Spiders 0 22 0 0 52–73 +4 +0 90' 170
Spitting Lizards 5 17 5 10 25–46 +4 +0 20' 150
1d4 breath
Wraiths 3 25 0 40 27–41 +4 +0 00' 180
2d4 breath — undead
Wraiths 0 25 0 0 17–31 +4 +0 00' 170
2d4 breath — undead

Don’t even try it with this guy.

Stone Demon 0 4 0 0 5010–6000 +4 +0 30' 1500
1d4 breath, flee