Things and Stuff


All weapons conflict with each other, i.e. you can’t wield an axe and a flail simultaneously, nor can you wield a sword and a crossbow. Most weapons don’t conflict with shields.


Item Price Dmg STR AV AC
Small Pick 50 1d4 4    
Pick 60 1d6 7    
Hand Axe 60 1d6 5    
Battle Axe 70 1d12 17 -1  
War Axe 700 1d12 18 -3  
Rusty Axe 2000 1d20 18 -3  
Axe of Kalah 7000 1d12
1d20 at 50’
18 +4  
Magic Axe 700 1d30 20 +1  
Nature Axe 1500 1d30 18 -6  


Item Price Dmg STR AV AC
Flail 40 1d6 10    
War Flail 400 1d12 10    
Bladed Flail 1000 1d12 10    
Runed Flail 2000 1d20 14 +2 +1
Barbed Flail 2000 1d30 16   +2
Spiked Flail 3000 4d20 16 +2 +1


Item Price Dmg STR AV AC
Dagger 30 1d4 3 +1
Ruby Dagger 40 1d4 3 +3
Shortsword 50 1d6 8 +1
Broadsword 60 1d8 12 +1
Hook 60 1d8 10 +1
Firesword 900 1d12 17 +2 +1
Lance Sword 60 1d20 at 20' 12 +1
The Slicer 1d30 17 +4 +2
Dragon Tooth 6000 2d20 at 60' 12 +8 +2
Freedom Sw.
[Sword of Freedom]
1d100 15 +15 +5
casts S:Inferno if blessed by the Universal God

Two-Handed Weapons

Two-handers conflict with Full Shields, but not regular Shields.

Item Price Dmg STR AV AC
Polearm 90 1d10 13 +1
Pole arm (Kingshome) 90 1d20 16 +2
Magic Sword
80 1d12 17 +1
Grand Sword 5000 2d12 22 +1
Mntn. Sword
[Mountain Sword]
2000 1d30 +3 +2
requires Mountain Lore 2; casts H:Earth Summon
Glow Sword 8000 1d30 24 +1
Holy Lance 9000 3d20 13 +4
Heavy Sword 8000 8d8 25 -3 -2
Dragon Sword 5000 4d20 21 +3


Item Price Dmg STR AV AC
Mace 40 1d8 10
Old Peg Leg 200 1d8 10 +1
Hammer 40 1d10 12
Long Mace (Byzanople) 2000 1d20 at 20' 15 +1
Long Mace (Freeport) 200 1d12 15 +1
Holy Mace 4000 1d20 12 +2 +1
casts S:Exorcism
Druids Mace 2000 1d20 12 +2 +2
casts D:Cure All
Throw Mace 4000 2d12
1d12 at 30'
18 +1
Crush Mace 4000 4d10 15
Dwarf Hammer 1d30 at 60' 20
Spell Staff 7000 1d10 +5 +8
requires Low Magic 1
Mage Staff 20000 1d20 +10


Bows, like Two-handers, conflict with Full Shields but not regular Shields.

Item Price Range DEX AV
Crossbow 60 20' 10
Long Bow 90 40' 14 +1
Great Bow 310 50' 16 +2
Archer's Bow 900 50' 18 +3
Magic Bow 60 70' 10 +4
Gatlin Bow 60 20' 10
can fire single, burst (x3), or full auto


Item Price Range DEX AV
Crossbow 60 30' 12
Tri-Cross 600 30' 15 +1
Can fire single or burst (x3)


No, there aren’t actually any guns in Dragon Wars; this is an easter egg. There’s no corresponding weapon skill, either. But there sure is an “item type” in the code for it, along with one for “Ammo Clips” (as distinct from Ammunition, below).


The item conflict rules are written such that you have to equip ammunition after the bow or crossbow you’re trying to load it into. Otherwise, you equip the ammo, then you equip the bow and it unequips the ammo for you. And of course you can’t equip two quivers at once.

Ammunition also carries an “ammo type” flag which determines whether it can be loaded into a Bow (“Arrows” and “Quivers”, type 0) or Crossbow (“Bolts”, type 1).

Item Price Dmg AV
Arrow 50 1d6
White Arrow 150 1d8
Silver Arrow 500 1d12
Grey Arrow 50 1d20
Magic Arrow 700 1d20
Magic Quiver 50 1d4
auto-refills each round
Bolt / Bolts 60 1d4
Long Bolt 60 1d4
+20' range
Pierce Bolt 1200 1d6 +1
Mega Bolt 600 1d20
Dead Bolt 600 1d20
refill with S:Charger

Thrown Weapons

Item Price Dmg Range DEX AV AC
Javelin 40 1d6 30' 12
Spear 40 1d8 40' 12
Holy Spear 40 1d30 10' 14
Bomb (Underworld) 200 1d30 10'
casts M:Zak's Speed
Bomb (Dwarves) 200 2d30 10'
Fire Spear 400 1d12 50' 14
Boomerang (Bridge) 700 1d12 50' 12 +2 -1
Boomerang (Kingshome) 2000 2d20 60' 14 +2 -1
Barbed Spear 4000 1d20 40' 16
Trident 4000 2d20 40' 15
returns to thrower


Body Armor

Body Armor comes in a bunch of different “item types”, like “Leather” and “Cuir Bouilli” and “Plate and Chain”, but it doesn’t make any difference to the game.

Item Price AC AV
Cloth Armor 25 +1
Pilgrim Garb 20 +1
Royal Robe 2000 +1
Mage Cloth 2500 +3
requires Low Magic 1; casts L:Mage Light
Leather Armor 50 +3 -1
Brigandine 80 +4 -1
Scale Armor 250 +6 -2
Chain Armor 310 +7 -3
Magic Chain 6000 +7
casts M:Zak's Speed
Plate Mail 3100 +10 -5
Magic Plate 50000 +10 -2
Heavy Plate
Great Plate (Kingshome)
4000 +12 -6
"Great" Plate is an easter egg
Dragon Plate 3100 +14 -3


Technically, the Silver Gloves are “Mage Gloves” instead of “Gloves”, but the distinction doesn’t matter.

Item Price AC AV
Gauntlets 700 +2  
Silver Gloves 2000 +3  


Everything listed on this table is a “Full Shield” except for the basic “Shield”. Full Shields can’t be used with Two-handers or Bows.

Item Price STR AC AV
Shield 1000 10 +2
Fire Shield 5000 12 +2 -2
1d12 at 40' (easter egg???)
Large Shield 1000
100 (Freeport)
12 +3 -2
Magic Shield
(Byzanople, College)
3000 10 +3
Magic Shield
100 (Freeport)
10 +4
Dragon Shield 12000 10 +5

No, it doesn’t make any sense that Shields and Large Shields cost the same amount of gold. Thanks for asking.


Item Price AC AV
Helm 1000 +1
Gem Helm 2000 +2
Black Helm 3000 +3
casts M:Zak's Speed
Dragon Helm 7000 +4 -1


Item Price AC AV
Lucky Boots 2000 +1  
Golden Boots +2  


Item Price AC AV
The Ring 1250 +2 +2
casts H:Cloak Arcane
Mage Ring 2000 +1 +4
requires *Low Magic 3*
casts D:Whirl Wind
Magic Ring +2 +1
casts D:Whirl Wind

Unique Items

Being a list of every item in the game I haven’t already mentioned (and a few I have), where to get it, and what to do with it. Items are listed by the way they show up in your inventory.


There are a handful of cities throughout Dilmun that have stores where you can buy, and more importantly sell, various items. They’re listed here roughly in game order.

Most shops specialize in what goods they sell, but you can sell anything (with value) to any shop regardless. Prices listed are the purchase price; items sell for 50% of their purchase price. Most items have consistent pricing, with a couple of very notable exceptions (larger packs of Bolts in Mud Toad, Large Shields in Freeport).

As a side note, if a shop is broken up into departments, or if there are multiple shops in the same location, you’ll usually find Dragon Stones in the same place as armor.


Black Market

Price Weapons Price Bows Price Armor
60 Hand Axe 60 Bow 25 Cloth Armor
50 Small Pick 90 Longbow 50 Leather Armor
60 Pick 60 Crossbow 80 Brigandine
70 Battle Axe 50 Arrow (#20) 250 Scale Armor
40 Flail 60 Bolts (#20) 250 Dragon Stone
40 Mace 40 Javelin    
30 Dagger        
50 Shortsword        
60 Broadsword        
80 Greatsword        

Magic Shoppe

Price Item
L:Mage Fire
L:Lesser Heal
L:Mage Light

Lansk Undercity

Doctor Death’s Killing and Maiming Emporium

Price Item
60 Broadsword
80 Greatsword
60 Bow
90 Longbow
60 Crossbow
50 Arrow (#20)
60 Bolt (#20)
40 Javelin

Exeter’s Fine Shield and Armors

Price Item
20 Cloth Armor
50 Leather Armor
80 Brigandine
250 Scale Armor
310 Chain Armor
3100 Plate Armor
1000 Shield
1000 Large Shield

Ministry of EZ Paperwork

Price Item
200 Governor’s Pass
50 Kings Ticket
100 Citizenship Papers

Illegal Magic Shoppe

Price Item
100 D:Create Wall
100 D:Wood Spirit
100 D:Cure All
250 Dragon Stone

Mud Toad

Souvenir Shop

Price Item
10 Lantern
50 Ankh
250 Dragon Stone
70 Shortsword
80 Broadsword
100 Greatsword
80 Bow
60 Bolt (#30)
50 Arrow (#20)

Byzanople Siege Camp

Black Market

Price Weapons Price Bows Price Armor
1000 Bladed Flail 60 Bow 310 Chain Armor
70 Mace 90 Longbow 1000 Shield
30 Dagger 60 Crossbow 1000 Large Shield
50 Shortsword 50 Arrow (#20)    
60 Broadsword 60 Bolt (#20)    
90 Polearm        


Bart’s Weaponsmithing

Price Swords Price Bows
500 War Flail 60 Bow
1000 Bladed Flail 90 Longbow
50 Mace 60 Crossbow
30 Dagger 50 Arrow (#20)
50 Shortsword 60 Bolt (#20)
60 Broadsword 40 Javelin
90 Polearm 4000 Barbed Spear
2000 Long Mace    

Marik’s Armory

Price Item
250 Scale Armor
310 Chain Armor
3100 Plate Armor
1000 Large Shield
250 Dragon Stone


Ryan’s Armor

Price Item
250 Scale Armor
310 Chain Armor
4000 Heavy Plate
100 Large Shield

Freeport Arms

Price Item
1000 Bladed Flail
40 Hammer
200 Long Mace

Bewitching Potions and Elixers

Price Item
250 Dragon Stone

Magic Inc.

Price Item
1000 H:Dazzle
1000 H:Mystic Might
1000 H:Rev. Glamour
1000 H:Sala’s Swift
1000 H:Vorn’s Guard
1000 H:Cowardice
1000 D:Soften Stone